Tuesday 23 August 2011

Soup of the day!

Hey! Today I had a soup for lunch which I made a couple of days ago. I always do this, I make a lot of soup and eat it over a couple of days. Mostly I'm making carrot soup at the moment, but it's normally got lots of extra veg in too! This particular one had carrots, sweet potato, some chillies, basil (from my plant on the window sill) and then some spices: cumin and coriander, garlic and pepper. I try and eat a piece of fruit with each meal too, and you can see some bread. Normally I try and make the bread, but this was a bun bought from Waitrose (they really do do great food!). I'll take some pictures of my homemade bread later this week. And some picture of my homemade cookies a bit later... Ciao!

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