Monday 22 August 2011


I've been thinking for a while that I would like to start a food blog, and especially a vegetarian one. I've been a veggie for a year and in that year I've experienced so much, cooked so much, that I just want to record it and interact with other people. But mostly I want to start a blog for the following reasons:

  • To show that vegetarian food is healthy, interesting and fun
  • To show that not all students pine for their mother's cooking
  • To show the realities of being a veggie i.e. shopping, travelling, family meals...
I'll just say a tiny bit about me: I'm Alexander, I'm 24 years old and I'm convinced I'll be a veggie for the rest of my life (for ethical reasons). I'm currently finishing up my Master's in Cardiff and I'm going straight into a PhD here in October (and looking forward to it!) I think that's enough for now...

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