Saturday 11 February 2012

Paella a la galesa

My uncle has a unique way of cooking, unique but brilliant. He'll cook 6 different things in the week and each time taking what is left over and placing it in a box in the fridge, and then on the 7th day he'll bring them all together - it's almost always green, I don't know why - in a brilliant mixture of flavours, colours and styles. While I don't do quite as many days, and quite as many flavours, this week I have done it quite well. So I had roasted peppers, carrots and potatoes left over, and I thought, what can I do? So I fried them in some olive oil, cooked some rice and added some olives and feta cheese. The result? One of the best meals I've ever had!


Roasted Veg, whatever you have left over


Put the rice to boil, while frying the roasted veg that you have left over from the week. Warm up the plates (pretty much the key to good cooking) on top of the rice pan and serve it all with sliced olives and feta on top. Season and enjoy.

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