So I was away this weekend, up with my family in North Wales - but I still found time to make a Spelt loaf (which was so good). I've only just started using different types of flour (I used to do half white/half wholemeal and that worked pretty well), but it's been great fun. I've made rye loaves, spelt loaves, buckwheat... But I think, for me at least, Spelt gives the best flavour. It's just so tasty! And so simple!
This loaf was cut up into four and eaten straight away - with houmous, with homemade jam (blackcurrant, damson and some other flavour that I didn't try) and cheese (Caerphilly). And I've got another loaf in the oven right now... (lunch...)
I must agree with you. Spelt fluor is great. :)