Thursday 15 March 2012

Blueberry Yoghurt Smoothie

I've been playing around with smoothies for a while, but I think this one is the best so far. And the key? Well, it's simplicity! Take a punnet of blueberries, add a banana and a few tablespoons of plain yoghurt and blend together, before serving with breakfast. You could try adding in some cinnamon or mixed spice, which gives it that final kick. And the fun thing is that you can play around with it, adding fruits that are coming into season or ones that you particularly like. In the picture you can see that after a while in the fridge it became more like a proper yoghurt, so I ate it with a spoon, which made it more of a dessert - but it's healthy, and that's what matters.


  1. That's good that such a smoothie is made without adding sugar. Blueberries should be expensive to buy but this mixture of fuits sounds delicious!


  2. I don't like using sugar in my smoothies as it is naturally occurring in fruit anyway! If I do need to sweeten them up a little I use honey instead. Unfortunately blueberries can be expensive, but I was lucky with these as the supermarket was throwing them out for much less than the normal price. You can always use other fruits, so raspberries and strawberries in the summer, blackberries in the autumn which should bring down the cost =)
